Forex Day Trading Strategies for Success!  

Posted by bharat

Most Forex systems used by new traders are short term day trading strategies which aim to take small risk and pile up a huge regular income and here we will look at how to succeed…
The challenge a day trader has is the following:
Millions of people (All with different Views, skills etc) + Who Don’t think Logically = so what Forex Day Trading Strategy can Predict what will happen in minutes or hours?
The answer is: None of them!
Its simply the dumbest way to trade, you cannot predict what a huge mass of people with different opinions and skills, are going to do in hours or minutes its impossible and here is the proof:
Fact: All volatility in short term time frames is random and you cannot get the odds on your side, you can’t win long term!

Fact: Forex day trading strategies sold have never made real gains. They simply have back tested track records and it’s easy to win when you know what the price was.

It’s a good story, making a regular income with small risk, just like Harry Potter is a good story but make sure you don’t believe it, or you will lose.

Want to win at Forex trading?

You can but you must get the odds on your side and that means Forex swing trading or long term trend following, you can trade the odds here and that means - big profits if you have a robust forex trading strategy.

Do not make the mistake of day trading or forex scalping, get the right Forex education and trade long term and you can soon be enjoying currency trading success.


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